As I am sure you have already heard, Pete Ustinov died yesterday. This morning, we learned that Alistaire Cooke, mere days after retiring, has followed suit.
Both were brilliant. And they were both brilliant in much the same way. Despite all facts of who what when and how, the distanced observer could easily slip one name in for the other interchangeably. Damn the distanced observer.
Being the superstitious ape that I am, I see these kind of things happening in threes.
And I fear that one of a number of suitable names might tag along in the next day or so. I`ll not name names; I am none to tempt gods.
Well both of these cats were great, and need no outro. But I feel compelled as an animation freak to mention a few of Ustinov’s voice appearances in said medium:
Disney’s Robin Hood: Prince John
Grendel, Grendel, Grendel (check that one out, y’all!)
Well, here
is a whole list of stuff he dun.