
I stumbled upon a website today you might not like, und zwar that of Marilyn Wann’s fat!so?. Warning: shows a barrage of big flabby naked butts right from the giddyap.

Marilyn is absolutely right on one front. Overweightedness does indeed carry unfair stigmata. Most of my friends back home, much of my family, I myself, and yes, most of the people I know in Germany are overweight.

And she is totally correct that those who fall in that category should not have to live their lives hating themselves and their bodies. But Marilyn fails to draw a line between overweightedness and obesity. Obesity is extreme overweightedness, which means one’s weight becomes a substantial hinderance to his or her mobility and otherwise a very real health issue.

Marilyn weighs in at 270 pounds. That is, Mike Tyson plus a five-year-old on his shoulders. Sister ain’t just tubby, she’s obese. If she’s happy with it, fine. But I don’t find it fine that (according to channel 4 news) one in four citizens of Davidson County are obese.

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