Happy B-Day Late Allen Ginsberg

Jazz or Sex or Soup
----Allen Ginsberg
Daev C. Zen Senior Recital
April 18th 1997 In the Rafters

—A flyer I made for my senior recital which, no, was not approved for posting.

Yippy birthday to the late Allen Ginsberg, the anti-Patrick Henry of the beat movement.

Here’s one for the Ginsu:

“I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by mediocrity, still living with their parents,
dragging themselves through the Starbucks’ spralls at
dawn looking for an angry dayjob, angelheaded fratboys burning for the
late 70’s Electric Company connection to the New Transformers dynamo in the nostalgia of
back when no one–save Big Bird–believed in the existence of Snuffaluffagus . . .”

I must admit, I haven’t really read all that much from him; but still, I think the coolest thing he did was this testimony at the Czechago 7 civil suit.
No, really, Czech it out. It’s like cliffnotes and a court case in one!

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