Greens and Bridges
Remember that bridge that they want to build over Waldschl?sschen way? Well, esteemed colleague Sarah and I went down there today to check out the Green event out on the meadow. That Balkan horn band Banda Comunal was supposed to play.
We got there ’round seven, and their numbers (attendance-wise) was pretty slight. But as promised, they were out there mowing the meadow. With scythes! Some were all decked out in folksy attire, and some lounged at the base of massive piles of hay. One guy was rattling off some killer field yodlin’ (hats off–I can also yodel a bit, and I must say I was impressed). It was like anachronistic Christian Richter (the painter, not my student). Verily pastoral. And, just like that weird old saying goes, no abbots were mowing hay.
I was under the impression that it had already been decided to build the bridge, but I haven’t really followed the issue. I haven’t really felt strongly one way or the other about it. But that may have changed today.
The Greens were out today trying to bring a crowd down to the meadows and see it firsthand. Today was my forth time passing through that neck of the woods, and the first time in daylight. They also have a big long sign with lots of placates apparently near the site through which the bridge should run. Interesting reading. They also urged us to vote against the bridge on the 13th.
Oh. So apparently there will be a referendum on the bridge issue on the Europe ballot next week. I did not know that, but since I can’t vote anyway…
Voting is a mature thing to do, so please do go out and vote. But should you happen upon that bridge question, I would suggest you only vote “yes” if you are of a well-informed and strongly convicted feeling for it. You wouldn’t sign up for a new long distance service just because the dude knocking at your door was such a nice chap, would you (well yes, I probably would). In three weeks, biking back home from the Elbhangfest, you might otherwise have misgivings.
Now, what about our Saxon EU parlimentarians? I dunno. I just see the posters. By far the best poster is the one with the CDU candidate. He’s young, he looks hip, he’s a handsome lad. But first of all, I am categorically opposed to any party with religious affiliations included in the party name, even if said party did do one or two things that I thought was quite alright. Secondly, that hipster “thumbs up” he’s giving us? What’s up with that? It’s not a real thumbs up; his fist is sideways, gangsta grip. What’s worse, it looks kinda Roman Emperor at the fights. Thumb sideways, live or die? Hmm… But you can still clearly see that his thumb is pointing just a bit upwards. As hip as it looks, by definition, that would be a conservative thumbs up.