more Moore

Torsten is the frenetic, witty, sometimes juvenile, ex-trumpeter who runs Sp?t Schicht, a Sp?tshop on Bischoffsweg, roughly across the street from Cafe Ole.

Therefore, it goes without saying that he mostly greets me with a few banal conversational English tidbits (though he doesn’t speak English) before bringing up whatever manure my country has been tramping around in most recently.

A fave theme of his is the (translated) works of a Mr. Moore.

His last work, a film, was Fahrenheit 9/11. That is, by the way, a rip-off from the title of a Ray Bradbury Sci-Fi novel; Said novelist,, who now lives in Sweden, was unwilling to give his opinion on the film itself, but nevertheless was pissed about the rip-off title.

Anywhoo, I sent you a link to the trailer; I might as well send you a link to some reviews– in English, dammit. That’s the whole point of this stupid blog…
Here’s one from the BBC, a more-or-less positive one albeit still critical. From that link (, if you go back, you’ll find lots moore.

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