Lasagna breath
Oh Lighten Up, Lasagna Breath
The Garfield ™ generator linked below has been apparently shut down.
What a shame. I found the randomly sewn together thirteen-panel Garfield infinitely better than the original three-panel schtick, even to such a degree that I was actually tempted to buy me an Odie. Well, Davis, forget it. And what’s more, I’m even going to boycott flying for a while so there’s no chance of having to be exposed to that crappy film from the back of the seat in front of me. So smoke on your pipe and put that in. By the way: Garfield=hirsute Marvin. Buuuuuurn!
Vitriol aside, I really did like the Saturday morning Garfield TV series. It was pretty good, and ten times better than the strip. To make a live action adaptation with a CGI Garf was a pure Schnapps Idee. Has no one noticed on mount Hollywood that these types of things are artistically doomed from the giddyap? Dig:
Garfield 2004
Scoob-Doo 2000 and too
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle Y2K
All of these films sucked. They were all the product of various Hollywood cats who must have been on coke who thought that if it was good in cruddy-old 2D it would be bitchingly righteous in brand-spanking-new 3D CGI live action! Child, child, child.
Forget how lacking the writing was for those above films. Their mistake was a cardinal sin that I think any artist and any true fan might understand. 3Difiying Scoob from his natural 70’s 2D habitat into a CGI/Live action world constitutes the act of making graven-image out of a (metaphorical) deity. You essentially erase the spirit of that animated character which we grew to know and love back in the day. It’s as if a sequel to Splash was made without Hanks and Hannah (that really happened and it was so bad I couldn’t even find a review of it).
So my plea to movie making dudes: better technology does not mean better films. And if you are still insistent on bringing the 2D into live action, keep those characters 2D. Then at least we’ll know that the movie sucks because of the writers, not the characters.
Remember, we love those old comics and cartoon characters exactly as they were. If you don’t understand why than leave that sleeping dog alone. Instead, here’s a pitch for you: Bond, James Bond is a zombie. A gay zombie.