Wee v.2 ii
Lil Wee v.2 day two
Earlier today, I set up a little enclave surrounded with bannana boxes around Wee’s cage so that she might have a bit more space to tramp around. But she escaped and ran amok. As I tried to catch her, she fled under the Kachelofen and in the end she was covered in black. So it was bathtime for Little Wee.
Washing a rabbit is not easy, yet surprisingly not difficult. To be more precise, it is no more difficult to wash a rabbit than it is to make a rabbit sit camly on one’s lap. And also unlike cats, a drenched rabbit looks pretty much the same as a dry one, only spikier. The challenge was to dry the little fella out.
After soaking through three handtowels, I put the soggy bun back in her cage, and left it up to her and the wood chips to do the rest. At least she had something to do for an hour or so, as she washed herself and furiously (what do you call that hand motion where you strike your hands together vertically, as if to signify the completion of a physically difficult task? That. Bunnies do that when they wash themselves) did this thing with her paws.
Later in the day, Wee I went to esteemed colleague Ron’s house, and grilled out with colleagues Terrence, Robert, Mari, some others, and their bunnies Merlin, Mimoe, and Najimo.
Wee was allowed the run of the garden, because Merlin and the feisty Mimoe were behind chicken wire. Naj, the eunuch was also out free, but Wee wasn’t too bothered by him.