Wee v. 2 Day three
Lil Wee v.2 day three
Aw screw it. Picture time (taken yesterday)
Here’s Lil Wee in her carrying basket on the tram to Ron’s house.
Rabbits mark things by rubbing their chins on stuff. Here, Wee claims the bottom step to the garden as hers.
These two quit Dude Dude Chick, but I kept the name, seeing as it sounds better than just “dude”.
Merlin, Wee, Najimo.
Terence demonstration what they call over here in Germany “growing potatoes” (see inset).
Wee and Mimoe. When Mimoe saw Merlin trying to flirt with Wee, Mimoe just about kicked Merlin’s ass. But the two girls seem to get along fine, as long as they stay on opposite sides of chickenwire.