Alrighty Kiddies
There you have it. I’ve turned in all the grades I have. So go online and check em out.
A few students will find that a grade is missing. Most of these will be presentation grades, all of except for two presumably gave a presentation in the first semester. If that sounds like you, then contact Fr. Scheel.
If you are missing your presentation grade and you gave it this semester, contact me.
If you are missing a presentation grade because you didn’t do one, go play in traffic.
If you are missing a test grade, then contact Fr. Scheel and CC me.
If you are one of the two students who thought it a good idea to write their matriculation numbers instead of your name: what the hell were y’all thinking? Poor Fr. Scheel.
If your last name is Breddin, contact Fr. Scheel. You’re not even on the list. Did we forget to turn in that note I signed for you? I told her already about the problem, so she’ll be expecting you.
Do it now, because she’s going on vacation next week!
And for the rest of you, your groovy yellow Scheins will be at the P-amt at the beginning of next semester.
Now watch this drive.