Welcome Waboose
there’s a new bun in town.
Little Wee has gotten a little buddy. The bunny’s name is Waboose. This is from the Chipewa toungue, meaning “rabbit” of all things. He, like Lil Wee, comes from the Panama animal farm. The caretakers at the farm had originally thought Lil Waa to be male, but at second thought, turned out to be female. The had a look a third time when Sarah came for the pickup, and reconfirmed Waa’s femaleness.
This news concerned Sarah and I, who wondered how well two strange does will get along. As it turns out, they took it all in stride. With both let free to roam on the carpet, they encountered each other with a mixture of caution and a complete lack of astonishment at seeing each other. They hopped around and sniffed each others butts once or twice then completely ignored each other.
Then a little while later it was established that Waa is a buck after all when he finally got around to mounting Lil Wee. As we can plainly see here. So it was back to cage separation once again until Waa gets a chance to–ahem–see the doctor–ahem– to go get tutored.
Well, the exciting news is this: Sarah is leaving for Austria tomorrow–which is sad–so I will be bunny sitting for the rest of the week. And I will continue to sit bunnies while she moves to a new appartment. Now where on God’s green earth will I find space for two whole bunny cages? I better start looking, they’ll be over within the hour.