Little Wee Diaries September 2004
Little Wee/Little Waa Diaries, Sept. 2004
While esteemed colleague Sarah is away in Austria for the PEZ meeting, I will be taking care of not one but two bunnies: Little Wee and Waboose.
This will be their second night over. It really is fascinating to see how even rabbits can be so different personality-wise. In comparison with Waa, Wee is bold and adventurous. Waa is extremely shy. When I came over with a slice of cheese, Wee rushed to the bars while Waa is a teetotaler –rimshot– I mean Waa stayed motionless with nose in corner.
I think, however, it is much too soon to write him off as a wallflower. He’s been through a lot these past days. From the hutch at Panama over to Sarah’s and then to my place, he’s been in more places in two days than in all of his entire five-month life before. I have to remember Rob and Chloe’s little mongrel, Olive, and her amazing transformation. Just last month, she was afraid of her own shadow, and now she is twice as big and completely fearless.
I still need to figure out where to put the cages. Also, I ought to find a water bottle for Waa.
Kirk out.