Owen Ford — Signs, Apples, Toiletpaper
This afternoon I hung out with Canadian fellow expat Owen Ford, English Club member, artist, and all-round remarkable fellow.
He’s been afoot of just about every continent, contracted malaria, set up his easel and narrowly escaped a lynching in war-torn Guatemala, and now resides on the southside of the Neustadt.
He has painted dozens of still-lifes featuring apples and toilet paper rolls. He’s done a critically acclaimed series of nighttime landscapes, painted in the dark and best viewed in the dark. Currently he is working on streetscapes in Dresden, featuring genteel post-GDR housing and blaring streetsigns in the foreground.
At a quick glance at his body of work, one phrase that first comes to mind is “photo-realistic”, a phrase he himself disdains; for him the most high-tech tool in his bag is his collapseable French easel, which he sets up on location on the sidewalks in lieu of relying on photographs, grids, and projectors. For him, a high-end digital camera is a valuable tool — for archiving paintings, not creating them.
Ladies and gents, I give you Owen Ford