This is my last entry before I fly.
Three or four stories are sure to follow.
I just read about a woman who killed another pregnant woman, slashed her belly and took the fetus. The baby has been recovered. A bizarre, sickening story with a bitter yet happy ending. I suspect we’ll hear about that again in the news.
Just two days ago, right here in Saxony, a whorehouse was meant to be raided. I might mention that brothels are more or less legal over here in Germany. But apparently some of them are not run on the up and up. So the cops meant to raid a brothel, but wound up on the wrong floor. I might mention that I didn’t read this in the newspaper, rather I heard it from Thomas, who is supposed to drive me to the airport in ten minutes. Anyway, they stormed the wrong floor, and ended up killing two dogs and arresting two innocent civilians, one of whom was a cop. Sjit. It would almost be a funny story had the dogs not have been shot. Thomas, who owns a dog, Sara, is really upset. And I empathise. Afterall, Sara is the only gal who really understands me.
Ooh, T just called.. We gotta go. What I really wanted to say is that my godson was also born on a dark day. Being a Godfather is something special. In my darkest moments, it’s always good to have one last reason to believe in humanity. James and Marshall too, I am looking forward to see how you’ve both grown. Because you can’t read yet I might mention that I am giving you both b-o-o-k-s for xmas. You’ll just have to learn German to read them.
Catch you motherfuckers on the flipside, I hope.