Gearing up for BRN
I spent M?nnertag working on a little tune for my friends at the BRN.
Claudia and some other friends are planning a puppet making workshop for the kiddies, and then a puppet show Saturday and Sunday at 19:00 in the Talstrasse. The Talstrasse is probably the least visited street at the festival, but it is truly the soul of BRN.
Anyway the girls have been working hard at putting together a spoof soap opera puppet show, and they enlisted me to make a theme song for it. I couldn’t back down; I bragged too much about how I studied music and even took a film scoring class. So, today I threw together this jam. Complete with a short little guitar solo by yours truly.
I won’t be in the puppet show, but I will most probably be ramming notes on garbage cans again this year at the corner of Tal and Louis.