The above is a facsimile of a bit of art made by Cory Arcangel.
I heard a story about him on BBC the other morning. Unfortunately it is hard to find stuff in their archives, so you’ll just have to imagine.
Anyway, he broke open a nintendo cartidge of Super Mario and wiped everything but the clouds. So it’s kind of like hacking, but instead of doing it in order to improve performance you do it to make freaky art. I think that’s really neat but the young lady next to me at the bar last night to whom I retold this story probably didn’t because she tried very hard to ignore me afterward. But I digress.
The kid has an exhibit going this next month somewhere and his other works are equally intriguing. I especially like the “Doogle” search engine which only returns search results that are pertinent to the show “Doogie Howser MD”.
Unfortunately his website sucks, navigationwise. But I did notice he has those user tags I’ve heard so little about lately…