extra credit for med-inf students!

Hey all you Media-Informatik Students!

One of my flash cartoons is to be shown at a little animation film festival in Laipsch in a few weeks and I need help converting it to a video format.

The organizers don’t seem to know too much about the logistics of how they plan to show the toons other than:

1: they have a laptop and a beamer
2: everything else that they are showing will be from DVD

Knowing that a fullscreen .swf may have diminished results depending on the power of the laptop, I thought it better to just burn a video version to cd-rom. What resolution should I use, and which compression at which settings would be best to keep things nice and smooth?

Also, why don’t movie clip symbols translate into video?

I’ve tried several time to export to video in Flash, but it seems like all the good codecs make the application crash. And the ones that do work take forever on my old machine and the end results are totally crappy.

Would anyone with some free time like to take the .FLA and export it to a nice video format with a resolution suitable for a large screen? Then burn it to a CD-ROM?

To sweeten the deal, the first student who can hook me up will get an arbitrary whole number credit on his or her lowest test score in my class. That means, if you made a 2.0 on your test, you’ll get a 1.0 instead. Just think of all the chicks that’ll get you.

Drop me a line via my contact page if you are willing to help a brother out.

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