Language Lab Time
Language Lab Time.
Okay. Here’s what we’re doing today.
Spot the Phish. (I missed two).
Listen to some people talking. Just about all of these mp3s are from NPR, and a lot of them stink. Try the interview with Linus Torvald up top. It’s pretty long — about 27 minutes — but Linus is fun to listen to. Of course, you’ll already know what he’s going to say — even I did — but he does a truly stellar job explaining complex stuff in a very lucid, simple way.
Take note of his accent. Does it sound more to you like British or American English? Also, take note of how he pronounces “Linux”.
There’s also another (quite humourous) listening opportunity at the bottom of this main entry.
Try one of these online tests.
Commonly Confused Words — I expect you should all score high on this one.
Google Speed Test. Some of these questions — you have to search for them in Google — are absolute killers.
The above two tests both come from a sorta creepy network/dating website that’s full of this kind of stuff. Mostly crap. So be warned.
Listen to a short radio documentary about the Smothers Brothers. Narrated by Steve Martin.
Listen to a song from the Smothers Brothers: The Impossible Dream.
For more links on the Smothers Brothers:
Review about the documentary,