-shell lyrics
She’s come out of here shell
She’s overcome the vacuum of my spell
I’d say she’s doing well.
And if I weren’t so plowed
To see she’s moving with a better crowd (than mine)
I’d say she’s done me proud.
Since she let me go, baby,
Seems to me like someone else is
Dressing in her clothes —
She ain’t anyone I know.
She’s moving off the grounds
And since she lost those hundred-fifty pounds (that’s me)
She ain’t dating know more clowns.
(alternate end of chorus):
I’m wasting so much time
Girls you find a dozen for a dime
I ain’t dating no more mimes.
I started writing this song in the streetcar. I didn’t have an axe handy, so used a song from another band as the skeleton: “just You Wait”, the first track from the Paybacks’ latest album.
Also, I thought about “positive country”, a new radio format that was making its way to the forefront back when I was an intern at BMG. Mostly, positive country was about female artists singing about having been broken up with somebody and being all the better for it. I just reversed the roles.
And I threw in a coupla barbs, just to even things out.