The return of Hairy Otter.
Yesterday, one of my conversation classes at a private school came up with the idea of reading a book together. Some students brought in some English books they had lying ’round. The Great Gatsby (wouldn’t mind reading again) The Catcher in the Rye (oh gawd) 1984 (oh not again) something by Hornsby… But these books would be way to frustrating for these folks… Just the week before, we slogged through a two page article from the Old Farmer’s Almanac about Washington’s teeth. Fascinating, really. I mean, did you know that at the time of his inauguration he only had one tooth left, and the dentures he had made for the occassion used carved hippo ivory as well as real teeth from cadavers? Almanac articles are at any rate light reading meant for perusal on the shitter.
So I thought about the authors I read when I was learning German. Michael Ende was by far my favourite, but who could… Oh, I know.
“Has anyone ever read Harry Potter?” I haven’t, and as it turns out, neither has anyone in that class. And it was settled like that. We’re gonna read a chapter of Potter over the week and talk about it in class.
So I’m getting paid to read Harry Potter. I’m going to have a great flight in July, I bet. God, I love my job.