live 8

Painted all night while listening to BBC radio. The big story was the ten Live 8 concerts, a series of music festival which, unlike its twenty years previous removed ancestor, intended not to raise aid money but awareness preceding this week’s G8 summit.

I must admit that the story blessed this weary cynic with an irrepressible feeling of optimism. Is this what the sixties felt like? Could this really be the milestone that marks the beginning of heaven on earth?

Nice job, Bob.

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I finished this one yesterday. I’ll call it… um… Dog Devil Cloud and some Polygons. Or not.
trinity2 (107k image)
This one is just about finished. You can see that some of the paint ain’t dry yet. I call it … Get it Offa Me.

I remember seeing a large poster print of a Kandinsky somewhere the other day, and for the first time I had the overwhelming feeling of frustration that I couldn’t see the actual piece with my own eyes. I think I’ll go to the Old Masters’ tomorrow if I get up early enough.

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