
Schaubudensommer. It’s a yearly treat thrown in the Scheune’s backyard. Kind of an alternative sideshow, with tents and whatnot, kind of a rough ’round the edges Cirque de Soleil.

Well it’s more rough than out there ’round the edges; no sword swallerin’ or human pincushions.

Word is that the Great Voltini is the act to catch. Come early, because they fill the tent every time. My longtime aquaintance from music school, Annamateur, is also not to miss.

We went to see the Gosh Brothers, a duo after Dude Dude Chick’s own heart.

We also saw Hikoki Gumo, and I can’t recommend that. Georg, known in the past for lashing together a giant tower of wooden poles, has his own tent this year.

It started quite nicely, with Georg taking one staff and doing a beatiful kata, then taking all twelve poles and a string and balancing them in a graceful swinging tripod formation. Then he carefully stuffs them all through his shirt–tedious, but amusing. Then he stands in the middle of the round stage and takes off the shirt, leaving a shirt teepee.

Interesting, but that’s it. So I went away a bit disappointed.

We also sat in the flying armchair, a work of Jim’s Bimbo Town.

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