Made the connecting flight at Munich with no problems despite a twenty minute delay. Stepping onto the next plane to Philly, I suddenly found myself surrounded by people from back home. That’s when I remembered what America’s greatest export is: dorks.
After staying awake for twenty hours, I kept drifting in and out of conciousness, usually punctuated by spasmodic starts. One’s life starts looking less like days and nights and more like ripped pieces of fabric.
Of course customs searched my shit in Philly — they always do, probably because I’m black.
Arrived with no major mishaps, other than the five hour layover in Philly turned out to be a seven hour layover. I even refrained from getting a philly sandwich in Philly. Can you believe they wanted almost nine bucks for a steak and cheese sandwich? And the water in the water fountains tasted awful.
I better let these dogs out. They are crawling around on their bellies like a pair of furry freakish commandos.