Damn kids

Apparently the new Harry Potter book is selling like hotcakes– in English.

Where this might be considered newsworthy to HP fans, or delightful for that embarassingly immature group of people known as “Frog Bashers”, one part stood out to me:

Rowling shocked her young fans when she hinted that Harry Potter could face mortal peril and be killed off. One young fan asked her whether she planned to write books about an adult Harry. She said: "You have to wait and see whether he survives to be a grown-up.

Oh, come on now Sister. You are richer than the Queen. There’s no need to have to frighten the crap out of little kids just to sell even more books. Of course Harry will make it to adulthood. Then he’ll grow a beard, get a beerbelly and move to Paris to write serious poetry. Then he’ll die.

Here’s another smart-ass kid to help me feel bad about myself. He’s working on Phds in four different fields, and then wants to be the president.
Which is good, because being a genius does seem to be prerequisite number one for getting that job.

Of course, in case you have a kid who gives you crap by throwing the goat or smoking a jay or generally has been getting uppity ever since your divorce, worry no more! It’s a great read.

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