Thursdee news
Thursday’s entry.
Interesting commentary for the day, Eat, Sleep, Work, Consume, Die. His notion: the convenience of modern technology does not lend itself to greater peace-of-mind.
Sara Bukowski underwent surgery this week after having her thumb mysteriously ripped off. She has a cast on her front left paw, which led me to believe for a while that a pirate ghost was haunting my upstairs neighbor’s abode. Paw, TOCK, paw, TOCK, paw, TOCK…
Watched Army of Darkness last night. Horrors. I didn’t know that Raimi’s original ending was so Twilight-Zoney. Shudder. Still one of my favorites.
My late class tonight also had a rare surprise ending. The vibrating alarm signaling nine bells proved that we had all completely lost track of time.
Not so bitter anymore about that massive translation job being indian-given to me. Had I been able to pull it off by next Tuesday, I would have been sitting pretty for the rest of the year at the rate I’m going now. But at a second glance, I realize that you’d need a bilingual with a degree in chemistry just to slog through that 30 page whitepaper. Frankly I feel sorry for the colleague who accepted the gig. Dog help him.
Must sleep now. What surprises await me at the interview tomorrow morning?