Felting Wooling
Give me the keys, c*cks*cker.
When I got my copy of Plush-O-Rama, there was an interesting section on “felting” wool. So, I’ve finally had a chance to buy some wool sweaters for dirt cheap at Humana, fashion for the poor.
I must admit, I had to think for a second about the ethics of buying up sweaters mid-winter from a charity shop for destitutes just for the sake of making a wooly three-eyed plush creature making an obscene gesture. But there were plenty of other sweaters there, so now those suckers are in the wash machine getting the heck boiled out of them.
Can’t wait. Meantime sitting here trying to learn the peeks and pokes of Premiere, which has a much higher learning curve than the Ulead Studio I have been using up to now. There’s something rendering right now — a short monologue about TP, and footage of a recent outing to the Zwinger with Julie, Owen –who believes that the new carvings are just poured concrete– and Jacob, and old pal of Julie’s from New Yourk.
He’s on vacation from his highly stressful and overpaid job in Manhattan, but hopes to “aussteigen” to another place. Lots of irons in lots of fires, he’s also produced an indie film called Skyjacker, a dramatization of the D.B. Cooper caper.