Bday Dad
Happy Birthday Dad
Now that Julie’s buddy has flown back stateside, I’ve had more time to focus on stuff I needed to get done. For example, turn in all my stuff to the Uni so all my kids can get their scheins on time.
Said visit was a tense rollercoaster at times, but you know, fish and visitors… Despite his big city sophistication, substantially greater wealth, and his claims of having a midlife crisis, he was just a kid like me in his early 30s and his presence enriched my life. I do hope to run across him again someday.
It was a nearly tearful adieu between me and Julie and Mr T after couscous at the Moroccan place yesterday. Mr T is off back to Libya for a month or so, for an important meeting with his bank and also to finally meet the woman he is to marry sometime in the summer (yes, Julie and I are invited). But that dinner was subdued, despite his best attempts to be a good host: he learned earlier that day that his cousin, a dashing man of 21 and in the police force back home, was stabbed to death in the line of duty.
This evening, I got a call from a number that broke off before I could answer. After checking the country codes, it turns out it was Libya; most likely Mr T, who promised to call me as soon as he landed safely back home.