Plug Away!

Tonite, 5.6.4 at 22.00 Blue Note on G?rlitzerstr.

Dude Dude Chick revived!

It’s Saturday. And we all know you don’t have a life. So come on out to see Dude Dude Chick perform at Blue Note tonight. It’s free! Buy lots of beer and throw the rest of your money in the bucket.

May was a tough month for Dude Dude Chick. With a full calendar, and the co-founder quitting the band, the remaining member, you know, the one who wrote all the songs and set up all the rehearsals and club dates, has been a-scramblin’ to put together a good show. The bad news: No backup vocals. The good news: no accordion! Dude Dude Chick now consists of accoustic guitar, vocals and drums.

We (two) have worked hard to get some shit together. So get there early, by ten o’ clock, before the Dresden Hillbillies show up. We are going to rock.

Be sure not to miss it. This will be our last show before the BRN.

Laters Tenet

(I meant to post this a few days ago. Really)

Tenet steps down for personal reasons.

Not to sound like a CTist, but: oh, really?

(I happened upon this today)

Oh Really?

Greens and Bridges

Remember that bridge that they want to build over Waldschl?sschen way? Well, esteemed colleague Sarah and I went down there today to check out the Green event out on the meadow. That Balkan horn band Banda Comunal was supposed to play.

We got there ’round seven, and their numbers (attendance-wise) was pretty slight. But as promised, they were out there mowing the meadow. With scythes! Some were all decked out in folksy attire, and some lounged at the base of massive piles of hay. One guy was rattling off some killer field yodlin’ (hats off–I can also yodel a bit, and I must say I was impressed). It was like anachronistic Christian Richter (the painter, not my student). Verily pastoral. And, just like that weird old saying goes, no abbots were mowing hay.


Say it aint so gi joe

Say it ain’t so, GI Joe. But no.

Grouchy Marxist

The picture of you in the newspaper saying that, amongst other reasons,
you have come to London to see me has greatly enhanced my credit line in
the neighborhood, and particularly with the greengrocer across the
street ? TS Eliot writing to Groucho Marx on this day in 1964

Since the recent passing of Alistair Cooke, if you have been following the BBC radio as rabidly as I, you surely woulda caught this one (which I paraphrase)


Happy B-Day Late Allen Ginsberg

Jazz or Sex or Soup
----Allen Ginsberg
Daev C. Zen Senior Recital
April 18th 1997 In the Rafters

—A flyer I made for my senior recital which, no, was not approved for posting.

Yippy birthday to the late Allen Ginsberg, the anti-Patrick Henry of the beat movement.

Here’s one for the Ginsu:

“I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by mediocrity, still living with their parents,
dragging themselves through the Starbucks’ spralls at
dawn looking for an angry dayjob, angelheaded fratboys burning for the
late 70’s Electric Company connection to the New Transformers dynamo in the nostalgia of
back when no one–save Big Bird–believed in the existence of Snuffaluffagus . . .”

I must admit, I haven’t really read all that much from him; but still, I think the coolest thing he did was this testimony at the Czechago 7 civil suit.
No, really, Czech it out. It’s like cliffnotes and a court case in one!

Reise Kneipe gig

I was waiting to get a ride to my gig today at the old Reise Kneipe, and I was not well at ease. This was the second gig where I played the entire evening alone. Besides which, last week’s gig a Marakech with the trio was a disaster. The Reise Kneipe is in the Neustadt, not really too far to walk by any means, but I didn’t want to have to go the whole way by foot bringing the Fender amp. I’m borrowing that from Ecki.


‘tsa twister

Story about a twister.

My favorite part of the article:

The tornado picked up some of Jim Clark's farm equipment and rolled it into another field half a mile away. The equipment was hard to identify after being mangled by the tornado. It also ripped two round granaries off the foundations and tore them into four pieces.


Here’s the trailer for that new film that did so well at Cannes.

It is 1899 and Denzel Washington, the American president, orders Anne Frank and her troops to storm the beaches of Nazi-occupied New Zealand.

The above is the findings of a survey of British children between the ages of 10 and 14. The article was supplied by the Telegraph, which is owned by Australian fascist Rupert Murdoch, who also owns the Fox news network.

My comment: I don’t even need to delve into how misinformed I was at that age about that.
Rest assured, yellow journalism is here to stay.